In a world of so many fluctuations, how do we find the inner resources to cope with everything that happens to us?
The need for control is something that creates anxiety and the false illusion that we are safe. In truth everything is impermanence, and the sooner we accept this the more we can deal with life and its challenges.
Replacing the concept of control by the concept of connection we can seek to live in alignment with this great living organism called the universe.
Inviting synchronicity to be part of our day to day life, and perceiving all challenges as creative opportunities.
How to make inspiration a living reality?
Inspiration is a fuel that motivates us to keep going and makes us give positive meaning to the life we have.
Too often we are living in automatic “mode” and forget to be grateful for all that we are, all that we have lived, and all that we already have. Most people live in the emotional trap of always noticing what is missing instead of honoring and being grateful for life, our most precious gift.
To see the positive aspects of reality it requires a change in our outlook. A change of perspective. And also about learning through a methodology, through training to nourishing our life with good feelings. How do I become the best version of myself?
What you see depends on where you are, how about switching places?
The proposal of this practice is to develop a way of living where we can have creative and emotional experiences that will be forever stored in our heart. This is the motivation of this project.
Studies confirm that every experience that has an emotional component is kept in our memory in a deeper way than a rational one.
The invitation to creative experiences can activate a new way of using our brain, less in a reactive way, and more in a sincornistic way. By being on flow we can aim to receive creative insights, this will increase our self-esteem and our self-confidence as we will no longer feel detached from reality, but instead we will feel a deep sense of connection with the source of all creation, this can enhance our self-love and our love for life, expanding our consciousness to the most important relationship we have, our relationship with the universe.
“The Universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.” – Rumi.
Every change starts in ourselves with awareness and self knowledge. LAB4Change is an invitation to a training that will also nurture our subtle bodies, (Mental, Vital and Spiritual). The physical body can be a gateway to the subtle bodies.
All the stressful factors of everyday life end up speeding up our heart (which is connected to our brain) and the message that the heart sends out of stress causes the brain to release toxic substances into our body.
We need to learn how to deal with our internal substances. We have to learn how to deal with our internal medicine and our ability to vibrate in a higher state of energy so being healthy and happy will be our natural state. Because it is, and we have to remember that.
We can bring Plato quote
“We do not learn, and that what we call learning is only a process of recollection”
LAB4CHANGE is a training to take care of our 4 bodies of consciousness:
Physical, Mental, Vital, and Spiritual.
Inviting a person to have a good emotional experience
is also inviting them to take care of their Integral Health.